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Here are some links to sites that are worth exploring. If you have suggestions of your own, please email to


Spiritual But Not Necessarily Religious - the Malvern group for those who are - or might be - among the growing number of people who speak of themselves as “spiritual but not necessarily religious”


Progressive Christianity Network Britain - the website of the Progressive Christianity Network in Britain (PCN-Britain)


Permission to Speak is the inclusive and progressive ministry of retired Christian minister, John Churcher.


Marcus J. Borg Foundation - The Marcus J. Borg Foundation is dedicated to the promotion of progressive Christian thought, education & discipleship. - the website of the network from which PCN-Britain sprang


A New Christianity for a New World - Bishop John Shelby Spong on the news and Christian faith


Centre for Action and Contemplation - founded by Richard Rohr, the Centre for Action and Contemplation seeks to empower individuals to live out their sacred soul tasks in service to the world through educational programmes and resources

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