Progressive Christianity Network Malvern
Welcome to the Progressive Christianity Network (PCN) Malvern
A group for all who value an open, progressive and theologically radical voice within British Christianity, and want to maintain and promote that generous understanding of faith.
PCN Malvern organises various activities including courses and discussion meetings in a variety of formats and different times - see the Programme for details
'Richard Baxter and William Taylor, have attitudes and responses to Christian-Muslim relations changed?
Dr John Chesworth
7.30pm Thursday 13th February 2025
Friends Meeting House, 1 Orchard Road, Malvern, WR14 3DA
Richard Baxter (1615-91), Puritan divine and 'lecturer' at St Mary's Kidderminster during the Commonwealth, wrote about other faiths in The reasons for Christian religion.
William Taylor (1856-1927) was born in Worcester and went to work as a missionary in Mombasa, where he interacted with the Muslim community.
In his talk, John will use Baxter and Taylor to illustrate changing attitudes and responses in Christian-Muslim relations and introduce the book series that he co-edits: Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History 1500-1914.

About the Progressive Christianity Network
The Progressive Christianity Network Britain (A Registered Charity No 1102164) works to promote and support open and contemporary Christian understanding. We provide a network of local groups across the country, publish a radical quarterly newsletter, and organise regular conferences and events. Members come from all denominations, and we enjoy links with other progressive Christian movements around the world.
The Network recognises the value and significance of tradition and the scriptures in the shaping of Christian faith. But faith must be of today, not just the past. We value the Eight Points first formulated by the Center for Progressive Christianity in America and adapted for the UK by PCN Britain, not as a creed or a statement of faith, but as an expression of how we live as Christians.
PCN Malvern began in 2015 and continues many PCN-related activites that have taken place in the town for some years.
Here are some links to sites that are worth exploring. If you have suggestions of your own, please email to
Progressive Christianity Network Britain - the website of the Progressive Christianity Network in Britain (PCN-Britain)
Marcus J. Borg Foundation - The Marcus J. Borg Foundation is dedicated to the promotion of progressive Christian thought, education & discipleship. - the website of the network from which PCN-Britain sprang
A New Christianity for a New World - Bishop John Shelby Spong on the news and Christian faith
Centre for Action and Contemplation - founded by Richard Rohr, the Centre for Action and Contemplation seeks to empower individuals to live out their sacred soul tasks in service to the world through educational programmes and resources

Contact us
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