An introduction to the Convention on the Rights of the Child
Each session supports PHSE and SMSC and comprises circle activities, games, videos and crafts that interpret our human rights for ages 8-11.
Session 1: Introduction to Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child
What are our rights? What are we entitled to?
Session 2: Our Right to Live and Grow
Healthy food; Clean water; care when sick.
Session 3: Our Right to Protection
To be looked after by a loving family; Not to be bullied or abused; In war and disaster.
Session 4: Our Right to Identity
What is identity? Our right to a name; Our right to a nationality/ culture/ religion; Our right to have an opinion and to be listened to.
Session 5: Our Right to Education and Development
Lack of education in some countries; Right to play.
Session 6: Preparation of Human Rights Assembly
Prepare an assembly for the whole school on Human Rights
Each session is delivered using games, videos, craft activities and an activity book to illustrate our basic Human Rights.
The sessions are curriculum-linked and presented by experienced DBS-checked teachers.
Supplementary material is provided for follow-up sessions in the classroom.
A copy of We are All Born Free and Equal, the award-winning illustrated celebration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is presented to each school that takes part.
The six weekly sessions (plus school assembly) take place at schools, during a single half-term.
Further details:
The course is offered free to schools in Malvern. For further details of the sessions, please contact:
Rosemary Webb
01684 565708

A kit to equip us more fully to develop confidence and sustain healthy relationships
Session 1: Getting to Know Ourselves
Identifying our strengths and the important things about being me!
Session 2: Learning More About Ourselves
What have we learnt from our family, our friends, our school?
Session 3: Enjoying Good Relationships
Empathy and emotion; appreciating others’ feelings.
Session 4: Owning Our Feelings
Using different media and activities to relate better with ourselves and others.
Session 5: What Helps at Tough Times
Ways of coping when life gets tough using stories and role play.
Session 6: Reinforcing earlier learning and making positive decisions
Each one-hour session comprises games, videos, practical activities, activity book to illustrate ideas and concepts of self-esteem.
The sessions are curriculum-linked and presented by experienced DBS-checked teachers.
Supplementary material is provided for follow-up session in the classroom.
The six weekly sessions (plus school assembly) take place at schools, during a half-term. Class teachers will join in the sessions, equipping them to integrate the children’s learning into their own planning.
Further details:
The course is offered free to schools in Malvern. For further details of the sessions, please contact:
Elizabeth Flanagan
07854 244591

Exploring our response to environmental issues.
Session 1: The Time is Now—What’s Wrong?
For the past couple of centuries, humans have been wasting the earth’s resources, driving animals and plants to extinction and fighting each other.
Session 2: Our Carbon Footprint
How is our lifestyle leading to a build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and what can we do to change it?
Session 3: What a Waste!
Our throw-away lifestyle is leading to our world becoming one big rubbish tip where nothing can live. What can be done?
Session 4: Water, Water Everywhere, but not a Drop to Drink
We, in the rich countries, have become very wasteful of this, the most valuable of all resources, forgetting that there is only a limited amount of drinkable water on the planet and that others have very little. How can we live differently?
Session 5: Where has all the wildlife gone?
Animal and plant species are disappearing ever more rapidly as a result of human activity. How can we stop this trend?
Session 6: Random Acts of Kindness And Senseless Acts of Beauty.
How can we make the world a more peaceful, happier place for all?
Each session is delivered using games, videos, craft activities and an activity book to illustrate the basic concepts.
The sessions are curriculum-linked and presented by experienced DBS-checked teachers.
The six weekly sessions (plus school assembly) take place at schools, during a single half-term. Class teachers will join in the sessions, equipping them to integrate the children’s learning into their own planning.
Further details:
The course is offered free to schools in Malvern. For further details of the sessions, please contact:
Rosemary Webb
01684 565708

Identifying what we all have in common and celebrating what makes us different
Session 1: Becoming detectives and explorers.
Spotting the similarities and differences in nature
Session 2: Using music to identify similarities and differences
Using our eyes and ears like a good detective or explorer
Session 3: I am a refugee.
How is my life different from yours? How is it is similar?
Session 4: I have a disability. Can you spot it?
How will it affect the way we live? What would make life easier?
Session 5: Can you identify our similarities?
How am I different/same?
Session 6: Sharing what we have learnt
We will be using natural materials, looking at ourselves and our families, using music and video and welcoming visitors who will exemplify all that we have been learning. An activity book will illustrate the basic concepts.
The sessions are curriculum-linked and presented by experienced DBS-checked teachers.
Supplementary material is provided for follow-up session in the classroom.
The six weekly sessions (plus school assembly) take place at schools, during a half-term. Class teachers will join in the sessions, equipping them to integrate the children’s learning into their own planning.
Further details:
The course is offered free to schools in Malvern. For further details of the sessions, please contact:
Elizabeth Flanagan
07854 244591

Investigating why people choose to make dangerous journeys from their homelands to seek a new life in the UK and how we might help
Session 1: Refugees, asylum seekers and migrants.
Who are these people we hear about on the news and what is ’resettlement’?
Session 2: Where do our refugees and asylum seekers come from?
A look at what drives people to leave their homeland.
Session 3: The difficult journey
Things that makes the journey to Britain awkward and dangerous.
Session 4: All are welcome?
What is the message we give to people seeking asylum in Britain. Could we do more to help?
Session 5: It’s not a new thing
History of welcoming refugees and some famous ones.
Session 6: Assembly (or equivalent)
An opportunity to review what we have learned and to present to the school, if appropriate.
Each session is delivered using games, videos, craft activities and an activity book to illustrate the basic concepts.
The sessions are curriculum-linked and presented by experienced DBS-checked teachers.
The six weekly sessions (plus school assembly) take place at schools, during a single half-term. Class teachers will join in the sessions, equipping them to integrate the children’s learning into their own planning.
Further details:
The course is offered free to schools in Malvern. For further details of the sessions, please contact:
Rosemary Webb
01684 565708

This course is designed to explore ways of addressing conflict in the learners’ own lives and goes on to respond to current world events.
Children will learn the five classic styles of conflict response, typified by the 5 different animals we use.
Session 1: The Blame Game.
We explore the roots of conflict and the consequences of being passive. We ride the conflict escalator, and explore the values continuum.
Session 2: The Power of Anger
What makes us angry? How can we deal with it? Let’s meet the “angry brain”. Role of amygdala creating fight, freeze or flight responses.
Session 3: Is There Another Way To Look At This?
Voices In The Park by Anthony Browne illustrates different ways of interpreting the same scenario. We can role play our own conflict situations.
Session 4: What Does Peace Look Like?
In the class? At playtime? At home? In our town/village? Using art materials to explore our visions. Exploring compromises in role play.
Session 5: Is It Fair?
Stories from children in conflict zones. How can we make our world a fairer place? Exploring what it’s like to live with war, poverty, injustice.
Session 6: Make Your Own Book of Peace
Working in pairs to discuss everyone’s individual ideas about peace. Using artwork and text to create your own ideas and memories.
We will use stories, video clips, group work, whole class activities and games. Our work is based on the all-inclusive circle where adults and youngsters can make equally valued contributions. The sessions are curriculum-linked and presented by experienced DBS-checked teachers.
The six weekly sessions (plus school assembly) take place at schools, during a single half-term. Class teachers will join in the sessions, equipping them to integrate the children’s learning into their own planning.
Further details:
The course is offered free to schools in the Malvern area. For further details of the sessions, please contact:
Elizabeth Flanagan
07854 244591

Each session gives an insight into how a particular factor can influence our worldview, and in such can influence our thoughts and behaviour.
It is hoped that understanding gained will encourage the development of empathy and tolerance.
Session 1: Introduction.
An introduction to the concept of worldview.
Session 2: Self-image
Having a poor or good self-image can influence our life choices and how we succeed.
Session 3: Culture and Religion
Culture and religion are both usually consequences of the place where we were born and grew up. Our culture is connected to survival needs in an area, our religion to the distribution of religions around the world.
Session 4: Money and Power
We look at the distribution of wealth and how money and power affect our freedom and choices.
Session 5: Time
Older people may see things differently because of what they have lived through and the effect of time on their bodies. A history of slavery can also affect how we behave today.
Session 6: What Happens When Our Worldview is Challenged
We are hardwired to preserve the world view we grew up with - what happens when it is challenged?
Each session is delivered using games, videos, craft activities and an activity book to illustrate the basic concepts.
The sessions are curriculum-linked and presented by experienced DBS-checked teachers.
The six weekly sessions take place at schools, during a single half-term. Class teachers will join in the sessions, equipping them to integrate the children’s learning into their own planning.
Further details:
The course is offered free to schools in the Malvern area. For further details of the sessions, please contact:
Rosemary Webb
01684 565708

Conflict Resolution by Young people for Young People
Research has shown that for schools to fully embrace relationship-led peaceful schools practice, everyone needs to be involved in the training and delivery, from dinner supervisors to senior management.
A named lead member of staff committed to the concept and practice is a core requirement.
We offer a course approved by the College of Mediators (collegeofmediators.co.uk)
· A support pack for the school to prepare pupils and staff
· A planning meeting to discuss what is involved and answer any questions.
· Training for up to 24 pupils from years 4 and/or 5, identified by the school, held over 3 full days
· Staff briefing to the wider staff team
· Certificates and tabards for all trained mediators.
· Ongoing support from a local trainer for the named in-school coordinator and the mediation team.
For further details of the sessions, please see our brochure or contact:
Elizabeth Flanagan
07854 244591
An alternative way of introducing peer mediation in your school can be found at