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Policies and procedures for EngageMalvern can be found on the EngageMalvern website.

Anti-racism statement


In early spring 2022 during the early stages of planning, several team members attended conference sessions on White Supremacy and handling the legacy of racism. It became immediately clear that anti-racism had to be incorporated into the Festival. Where should we start?

  1. It begins with us. We need to take responsibility for our own education and so we arranged for the team to undertake the #MeAndWhiteSupremacy challenge. This will give us the knowledge to act, but we must take that into our practices. 

  2. In order to do so, we felt that it was important to have someone familiar with the challenge to be part of the team, to review our practices and to educate us. We have always sought to provide an inclusive and diverse programme, but we recognise that there is more to do.

  3. We are offering a #MeAndWhiteSupremacy study to Festival participants, following the 2023 event. 

We recognise that this is just a start and we shall make mistakes, but fear of mistakes should not be a reason for not undertaking this work. This Anti-racism statement, like our own personal work and journeys through ‘Me & White Supremacy’, will evolve over the coming months.  We wholeheartedly commit to fighting racism both within our own lives as well as the life of the Festival, and beyond.

Policies: About
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